lunes, 27 de septiembre de 2010

Spread of Railways in Ten Selected Countries

The first railway was in Great Britain. In 1860 Great Britain was still the most important, but France and Germany also were increasing their railways. In Spain and Sweden appears in 1880,when Germany became the most important. With Great Britain on the second place  and France on the third place.In 1900 Russia was the one whith most important increase with 53234 km of railway,followed by Germany, France, Austria-Hungary and Great Britain.

lunes, 20 de septiembre de 2010

Superpower treaty to scrap warheads


- Tell me the meaning of these words (in english and with your own words):

SCRAP (chatarra) old things especially of iron
TREATY (tratado)  document that describes an agreement between two or more parts
WARHEADS (cabeza de Guerra) the front part of a guided missile or rocket or torpedo that carries the nuclear or explosive charge or the chemical or biological agents
AGREEMENT(acuerdo) treaty between two or more parts that arranged or agreed
       WEAPONS(armas) any instrument or instrumentality used in fighting or hunting
WORK OUT (trabajar sobre algo) come up with

- Who were the main characters of this piece of news?

Reagan and Shevarnadze.

- What do "peace campaigners" think about the agreement?

Theyre are very happy about it, theyre like it.

- What does George Schultz think about the treaty?

He said it was just the beginning


- What was the USSR?  Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, it was a country that included current Rusia

- When did it disappear? In 1991

- What was the "Cold War"? Ideological confrontation that took place during the twentieth century     

- When did it begin and why?  In 1945, because of the collapse of communism. No, because of the end of the world war II and the fight for world power between US and URSS