jueves, 18 de noviembre de 2010


The 6 principles are:

Popular Sovereignty- All of the power lies in the hands of people of the United States who are sovereign. 

Limited Government- Limited Government means that the government may only do things that the people that they have government give them the power to do. 

Separation of Powers- In a parliamentary system the legislative, executive, and judicial powers of government are all gathered in the hands of a single agency. 

Checks and Balances- The government is organized around three separate branches. Though the constitution says that these three powers must be separated they are still connected and are not completely independent of each other.

Judicial Review- The power of judicial review is the power of courts to determine whether what government does is in accord with what the constitution provides. 

Federalism-  The principle of federalism is the division of power among a central government and several regional government.

sábado, 6 de noviembre de 2010

The crash 1929 - The financial crisis 2007

The similar things are:

The two were the result of a substantial increase in prices for many years. Also, the two resulted in rising unemployment and rising prices. The two started in the USA. But the especulation is the principal cause in the two crises.