miércoles, 9 de marzo de 2011


1- Mention some laws achieved by workers in England improving their work conditions.

- Implementation of specific laws governing labour relations. 
- The trade unions made negotiation of wages, work rules and provided a range of benefits to insure members against unemployment, ill, health, old age and funeral expenses.
- The adoption of the 8-hour work day .

2- What happened the first of May?

 This day is called Labour Day or May Day, because in this day implemented the journey of the 8-hour work day. There was very bigs demostrations and riots in many parts of the world. 

3- Look for information about the suffragettes. Who was Emily Davison?

Suffragettes is a movement  for women's suffrage in the UK, in particular members of the Womens's Social and Political Union. They wanted to be equals to men and take part in the decisions of the parlament.

Emily Davison (1872 -1913) was a prominent member of the feminist movement in early twentieth century, this movement started in Britain by the Women's Social and Political Union,  called suffragettes,  fought for the recognition of the right to vote for women.
Before his death in Epsom, Davison starred in several terrorist attacks on public buildings without any personal injury. Arrested and convicted several times, held several hunger strikes in prison.
On  4th June, 1913 she jump into the  circuit of  the Epsom Derby to protest, and the horse Anmer, property of the King George V, killed her.

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